@openupyoureyes Didn’t have time for a movie but awesome post. Thanks for your generosity.

Best posts made by orthros
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
RE: [YMMV] Walmart (In Store only): Tranquility Weighted Blanket 15 lb For $1, which is about 98% off normal $45 price, exp unk
@mrvietnam Walmart does have self-checkout everywhere, so I would go that route rather than deal with potential roadblocks.
Excellent find. I’m tempted to drive 30 minutes round trip to see if I can pick up 1 or 2 for my kids.
RE: Free Pc Games "Pillars of Eternity Definitive Edition" (reg. $40) & "Tyranny Gold Edition" (reg. $50) Claim by 12/17
Seriously these are the best Epic Games giveaways in a long time, maybe forever. Both are seriously awesome AAA games.
Check your email - $20 Chipotle PayPal cash from class action received earlier today
…which I’m planning to spend on more Chipotle
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
W5TKH9S6 for $1.25 off any rental, expires at 11:59pm tomorrow night (September 24th)
RE: How to buy used/pre-owned car, PWF/FWF style
I have bought used cars through Craigslist and eBay (yes, eBay) throughout the years and have saved a ton of money.
The key, if you aren’t a car guy (I’m not), is to pay a trusted mechanic to give it a thorough going over. $50 - 75 should do.
I bought a 10 year old Toyota for about $2,500 that I sold last year for $1,300. It was 20 years old.
I just bought another 10 year old Toyota for about $4,000. I will, God willing, have this one for 10 years as well with minimal yearly depreciation.
YMMV but I find that buying 3 year old cars captures about 50% of the potential value, but buying reliable transportation at the 7-10 year mark grabs almost all of it. Naturally, you may want cooler-looking wheels, but I figure I’ve saved tens of thousands of dollars by buying older and paying a mechanic to do the inspection.
RE: Best type of (Vanguard) mutual fund for young adult, that will probably withdraw for a home within 10 years?
I am not an RIA.
He has two investments, neither of which is really suitable. Money Market is too conservative for a 10 year investment. Health Care is too aggressive - he’s betting on one segment (that has done exceptionally well historically) to continue to do so. Ask those who invested in Fidelity Japan how that worked out back in the 90s.
My belief is that he should be in a 40/60 split of Vanguard Total Market and Vanguard Total Bond. Risk tolerance is a big factor here - if he can handle the potential that he could lose a little money over 10 years vs. a much more likely strong gain, then he could nudge that to 50/50 or even 60/40. But the higher than ratio, the higher the risk.
Today, the risk is absurdly high.
Also, note that since you mentioned that funds would be invested outside of retirement accounts that Vanguard Total Stock Market is highly tax efficient. I don’t invest in bonds outside of my retirement account, so he’d have to do a little leg work to see what his net tax rate would be on the bond portion. If it’s high, he should look at the Tax-Managed or Municipal bond offerings, although those have a bit of concentration risk as well.
Hope this helps.
Credentials: 10+ years as a Chief Financial Officer. MBA from top 25 school (graduating # 1… hooray me!). Lots and lots and lots of time explaining to people why their investments don’t match their risk profile & goals.
RE: McDonald's - $1 Sandwich w/ App - Excludes Signature Crafted and Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese - Valid 1x/day through 9/30/18
#HailCorporate alert
Quarter pounder is totally worth it for $1. I haven’t tried a QPC in 15 years because the frozen version was between mediocre and bad.
This is still not as good as a Whopper or Wendy’s burger. But it’s close. And it’s $1. Most people will be happy to save $2 or so from buying elsewhere.
Note that a QPC is 510 calories so those of us trying to lose weight will need to keep that in mind.
RE: McDonald's - $1 Sandwich w/ App - Excludes Signature Crafted and Double Quarter Pounder w/Cheese - Valid 1x/day through 9/30/18
All right, so I’ve tried the double filet-o-fish and the buttermilk chicken sandwich as well.
All 3 items (including QPC) can be summed as:
- Waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than I remember them tasting 20 years ago
- Still not as good as BK/Wendy’s/5 Guys/whatever
- Still waaaaaaaaaay cheaper than the alternatives, so guess where I’m eating until September 30th rolls around
I’ll try to hit all the majors on their menu. If one is particularly good, I’ll give a heads up.
My wife was told that the chicken sandwich was almost as good as CFA. Her rating: Pretty good, but not in the same stratosphere as CFA.
But (note the theme) for $1 she’ll be eating it again.
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
@dstall63 said in Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread:
Used. My kids thank you for Sonic Mania Plus, which they mysteriously love more than any other game out there. Go figure.
RE: Free Pc Game "Princess Remedy 2: In A Heap of Trouble" @ Steam until 10/15 10am Pt
My kids liked the first one. Thanks OP.
RE: Nestle Hot Chocolate Packets, Hot Cocoa Mix, Rich Chocolate Flavor, Made with Real Cocoa, 0.71 oz, Bulk Pack (50 Count) $5.62 + FS w/S&S @ Amazon
Also, for those with a Costco membership 50 packets of Swiss Miss are on sale for $4 until Sunday.
RE: Free 2019 Premium Online Federal & State Tax Preparation/Filing (No Income Limits) @ Credit Karma
I’m not normally a big privacy guy, but the terms of using their tax prep software gave me enormous pause.
They explicitly will be sharing your financial details (or have the right to) with banks and credit card agencies, perhaps even including the credit agencies themselves.
The risk-reward on this is enormous. If a bank decides your risk factor, based on your tax returns, merits an extra 1/4% bump, you’ll lose a lot more than the $40 you would have shelled out to TurboTax or H&R Block.
Just food for thought.
RE: Free $100 for Sending your Diploma to Natural Light
Just received the envelope today. It’s impossible to miss - it’s huge, it’s rigid and has a big Natural Light logo on it.
Now to see if they deliver my C-note
RE: Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts
Ally Bank drops to 1.00% (from 1.10%) effective today, July 8, 2020
RE: PAYPAL: Send 1 cent to someone w/o a Paypal Account, you and receiver can earn $10 each.
FYI, the recipient then has to spend or send $5. Not a biggie but if you don’t do it you both don’t get the $10
RE: Welcome FatWallet Refugees
Just be aware that because of the similarity in the name you may eventually get a C&D letter. IANAL but it does seem like the stupid sort of thing that eBates would do.
Steam & GOG.com Keys
Stumbled across an old Steam key and realized that others may have some too.
Share 'em if you have 'em, and post when you’ve taken one.
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
$1.25 off first night rental
Exp. 11/5/17 @ 11:59pm
RY7JN7X4 -
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
$1.25 off
Use code YE4M4H37 by 11/12 @ 11:59pm -
RE: 32GB SanDisk microSDHC Card with Adapter (Bulk Packaged) for $9 + Free Shipping
Code FSOctober still works and price has now dropped to $7.49.
Class 4 or not, at that price I’m in for 1. Thanks OP.
RE: $50 Gift Card when you Test Drive a Hyundai Vehicle
I had to click on a bunch of junk, but once it popped it, it was there.
Note that the default choice is an Amazon GC, but you can pick the Visa gift card (which was the 3rd option for me).
Also note that the deadline is pretty quick - I think I have 10 days to get in and test drive to get the $50.
Thanks OP. Christmas is coming soon.
RE: Live Sunday 11/19 Acer Aspire 3 A315-21-95K 15.6" Notebook (AMD A9, 1TB HDD, 6GB RAM, Windows 10, AMD Radeon R5 Graphics) $240 shipped STAPLES
Great price. But note that this does not have a DVD drive, which may be a deal killer to same.
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Rent 1, Get 1 free
Expires Monday (tomorrow) evening at 11:59pm -
RE: Feel Good Classics Christmas: 100 Songs to Make Your Feel Happy During the Holidays 99 cents full album at AMAZON
I’ve listened to it and most of the songs are great.
Staples $5 off $5 coupon - check your email - YMMV
Just got one at 10am ET on December 4th.
Good for picking up some small stuff / stocking stuffers.
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Free night GAME rental: QHNMT74A
Expires 12/8 at 11:59pm -
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
@dionaea I have one that might work. HT to @hope2k who threw it my way - it may have expired but your odds are good. Check your chat for a message.
RE: You know what I miss? The Vegas $20 dollar trick Thread from FW!
This was a great thread.
I do this but I show the money more or less openly. Guess I don’t want them to pocket the $20 and then smarmily say “Sorry Sir, we’re all sold out.”
Not sure if there’s much I could do at that point.
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Free rental - code TNACX3VD
Please post when used
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Another $1.25 off 1st night’s rental code
Expires 2/25 at midnight
V2FXUZGMPlease post when you use.
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Free 1 night DVD rental
exp. 3/8/18 at 11:59pm -
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
Free rental code
Please post when used -
RE: Official REDBOX Video Rental Codes Master Thread
$1.25 off
Expires 5/13 at 11:59pm -
RE: Free movie rental at FandangoNOW
Just tried it and it worked. Easy as pie. You’ll need to log in of course.
Thanks @ctujackbauer