@fivetalents I sold that handheld model for $5 at my yard sale this past year. Brand new, sealed box direct from FoodSaver.
It was $5 on FW a few years ago and I never used it.
I have several hand held versions: Reynolds, Ziploc and then had the FoodSaver one.
The full powered is MUCH better.
My sister sticks a straw in the corner of a ziploc bag, closes the bag then sucks the air out of the bag, then presses it closed. That’s basically what handheld sealers do. The powered ones make a vacuum seal and heat seal the bag closed. The handheld uses special bags that have a valve w/ hole on the outside but its like any ziploc bag, it doesn’t keep seal as well as something that’s been truly vacuum sealed. I’ve used handhelds for years and never paid more than $5 for them.
You can see the Fresh Saver on Amazon here. Its like those big vacuum bags in which you can store clothes and you use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the air.