Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts

  • Timbr Savings was 5.25%, now 5.05%

    Timbr Savings was 5.25%, now 5.05%

  • Patriot Bank was 5.10%, now 5.05%
    Vio Bank was 4.77%, now 4.66%
    MyBankingDirect (Flagstar) was 4.75%, now 4.65%
    Bread was 4.65%, now 4.60%
    CFG was 4.75%, now 4.52%
    Western State Bank was 4.50%, now 4.15%
    CIT was 4.35%, now 4.20%
    UFB was 4.31%, now 4.01%
    Live Oak was 4.30%, now 4.20%
    Synchrony was 4.30%, now 4.10%
    Valley Direct was 4.25%. now 4.00%
    Barclays was 4.20%, now 4.10%
    Citizens Access was 4.15%, now 3.90%
    Discover was 4.10%, now 3.90%

    Patriot Bank was 5.10%, now 5.05%
    Vio Bank was 4.77%, now 4.66%
    MyBankingDirect (Flagstar) was 4.75%, now 4.65%
    Bread was 4.65%, now 4.60%
    CFG was 4.75%, now 4.52%
    Western State Bank was 4.50%, now 4.15%
    CIT was 4.35%, now 4.20%
    UFB was 4.31%, now 4.01%
    Live Oak was 4.30%, now 4.20%
    Synchrony was 4.30%, now 4.10%
    Valley Direct was 4.25%. now 4.00%
    Barclays was 4.20%, now 4.10%
    Citizens Access was 4.15%, now 3.90%
    Discover was 4.10%, now 3.90%

  • Global Moderator

    Bank of Hope 5.10% appears to be dead. Account removed from the website. Not sure if current customers are still earning 5.10% or if they’ve lowered.

    Bank of Hope 5.10% appears to be dead. Account removed from the website. Not sure if current customers are still earning 5.10% or if they’ve lowered.

  • Open Bank was 5.00%, now 4.75%

    Open Bank was 5.00%, now 4.75%

  • Global Moderator

    Bank5 Connect Jumbo Savings was 4.60% now 4.50%
    Ivy Bank Savings was 4.60% now 4.25%
    Merchant’s Bank of Indiana MM was 4.50% now 4.25%
    Virtual Bank MM was 4.50% now 4.25%
    US Alliance Financial Savings was 4.05% now 3.90%
    American Express National Bank Savings was 3.90% now 3.80%
    Discover Bank Savings was 3.90% now 3.75%

    Bank5 Connect Jumbo Savings was 4.60% now 4.50%
    Ivy Bank Savings was 4.60% now 4.25%
    Merchant’s Bank of Indiana MM was 4.50% now 4.25%
    Virtual Bank MM was 4.50% now 4.25%
    US Alliance Financial Savings was 4.05% now 3.90%
    American Express National Bank Savings was 3.90% now 3.80%
    Discover Bank Savings was 3.90% now 3.75%

  • Global Moderator

    TIMBR (Bridgewater Bank) Savings was 5.05% now 4.80%

    TIMBR (Bridgewater Bank) Savings was 5.05% now 4.80%

  • Bask was 4.65%, now 4.50%
    Laurel Road was 4.50%, now 4.15%

    Bask was 4.65%, now 4.50%
    Laurel Road was 4.50%, now 4.15%

  • Global Moderator

    Valley Direct Savings(new customer rate) was 4.80% now 4.55%
    First Foundation Savings & MM was 4.75% now 4.50%
    First Internet Bank Savings was 4.69% now 4.42%
    Bread Financial Savings was 4.60% now 4.50%
    Evergreen Bank Savings was 4.50% now 4.25%
    Republic Bank of Chicago MM was 4.46% now 4.30%
    Barclays Bank Savings was 4.10% now 4.00%
    Empower Personal Cash was 4.00% now 3.75%
    Citizens Bank Access Savings was 3.90% now 3.70%
    FNBO Direct Savings was 3.90% now 3.75%

    Valley Direct Savings(new customer rate) was 4.80% now 4.55%
    First Foundation Savings & MM was 4.75% now 4.50%
    First Internet Bank Savings was 4.69% now 4.42%
    Bread Financial Savings was 4.60% now 4.50%
    Evergreen Bank Savings was 4.50% now 4.25%
    Republic Bank of Chicago MM was 4.46% now 4.30%
    Barclays Bank Savings was 4.10% now 4.00%
    Empower Personal Cash was 4.00% now 3.75%
    Citizens Bank Access Savings was 3.90% now 3.70%
    FNBO Direct Savings was 3.90% now 3.75%

  • Global Moderator

    EverBank Performance Savings was 4.75% now 4.40%
    CIT Bank Platinum Savings was 4.55% now 4.35%
    CIBC Bank Agility Savings was 4.51% now 4.38%
    My Savings Direct (Emigrant Bank) Savings was 4.35% now 4.10%
    EverBank Performance MM was 4.30% now 4.00%
    Dollar Savings Direct (Emigrant Bank) Savings was 4.25% now 4.00%
    CIT Bank Savings Connect was 4.20% now 4.00%
    Quontic Bank Savings was 4.00% now 3.85%
    Emigrant Direct (Emigrant Bank) was 4.00% now 3.75%

    EverBank Performance Savings was 4.75% now 4.40%
    CIT Bank Platinum Savings was 4.55% now 4.35%
    CIBC Bank Agility Savings was 4.51% now 4.38%
    My Savings Direct (Emigrant Bank) Savings was 4.35% now 4.10%
    EverBank Performance MM was 4.30% now 4.00%
    Dollar Savings Direct (Emigrant Bank) Savings was 4.25% now 4.00%
    CIT Bank Savings Connect was 4.20% now 4.00%
    Quontic Bank Savings was 4.00% now 3.85%
    Emigrant Direct (Emigrant Bank) was 4.00% now 3.75%

  • Newtek was 4.90%, now 4.70%
    Brio Direct was 4.85%, now 4.75%

    Newtek was 4.90%, now 4.70%
    Brio Direct was 4.85%, now 4.75%

  • Global Moderator

    Total Bank MM was 4.86% now 4.67%
    MyBankingDirect Savings was 4.65% now 4.55%
    Prime Alliance Bank Savings was 4.50% now 4.15%
    SalemFiveDirect Savings was 4.25% now 4.01%
    Webull Cash Management was 4.00% now 3.75%
    Paramount Bank Checking was 2.50% now 2.25%

    Total Bank MM was 4.86% now 4.67%
    MyBankingDirect Savings was 4.65% now 4.55%
    Prime Alliance Bank Savings was 4.50% now 4.15%
    SalemFiveDirect Savings was 4.25% now 4.01%
    Webull Cash Management was 4.00% now 3.75%
    Paramount Bank Checking was 2.50% now 2.25%

  • We wanted to inform you that effective January 3, 2025,
    the Pibank Savings Annual Percentage Yield (APY*)
    will be updated from 5.00% to 4.75% APY

    Betterment was 4.25%, now 4.00%
    Wealthfront was 4.25%, now 4.00%

    We wanted to inform you that effective January 3, 2025,
    the Pibank Savings Annual Percentage Yield (APY*)
    will be updated from 5.00% to 4.75% APY

    Betterment was 4.25%, now 4.00%
    Wealthfront was 4.25%, now 4.00%

  • Global Moderator

    Northern Bank Direct MM was 4.75% now 4.50%

    Northern Bank Direct MM was 4.75% now 4.50%

  • Global Moderator

    Vio Bank Money Market Savings was 4.66% now 4.56%
    Valley Direct Savings was 4.55% now 3.75%
    Western Alliance Bank Savings was 4.46% now 4.40%
    CommunityWide FCU Monthly Savings was 4.25% now 4.00%
    iGoBanking Index MM was 4.12% now 3.90%
    Bank Purely Index MM was 4.12% now 3.90%
    E-Trade by Morgan Stanley Private Bank was 4.10% now 4.00%
    Self Help CU MM was 2.64% now 2.43%
    CommunityWide FCU Savings was 1.25% now 1.00%

    Vio Bank Money Market Savings was 4.66% now 4.56%
    Valley Direct Savings was 4.55% now 3.75%
    Western Alliance Bank Savings was 4.46% now 4.40%
    CommunityWide FCU Monthly Savings was 4.25% now 4.00%
    iGoBanking Index MM was 4.12% now 3.90%
    Bank Purely Index MM was 4.12% now 3.90%
    E-Trade by Morgan Stanley Private Bank was 4.10% now 4.00%
    Self Help CU MM was 2.64% now 2.43%
    CommunityWide FCU Savings was 1.25% now 1.00%

  • Global Moderator

    Poppy Bank Savings was 4.75% now 4.50%

    Poppy Bank Savings was 4.75% now 4.50%

  • Patriot Bank Money Market (5.05%) appears to be no longer available

    Patriot Bank Money Market (5.05%) appears to be no longer available

  • Global Moderator

    Zynlo Bank Tomorrow Savings was 5.00% now 4.50%
    Zynlo Bank Money Market was 5.00% now 4.40%
    Poppy Bank Savings was 4.75% now 4.50%

    Zynlo Bank Tomorrow Savings was 5.00% now 4.50%
    Zynlo Bank Money Market was 5.00% now 4.40%
    Poppy Bank Savings was 4.75% now 4.50%

  • Jenius was 4.80%, now 4.50%
    Lending Club was 4.75%, now 4.50%
    Rising Bank was 4.50%, now 4.40%
    Western Alliance was 4.46%, now 4.40%
    Upgrade was 4.41%, now 4.14%
    Tab was 4.37% , now 4.26%
    CIT Savings Connect was 4.20%, now 4.00%
    Bank Purely was 4.12%, now 3.90%
    IGO was 4.12%, now 3.90%
    E*Trade was 4.10%, now 4.00%

    Jenius was 4.80%, now 4.50%
    Lending Club was 4.75%, now 4.50%
    Rising Bank was 4.50%, now 4.40%
    Western Alliance was 4.46%, now 4.40%
    Upgrade was 4.41%, now 4.14%
    Tab was 4.37% , now 4.26%
    CIT Savings Connect was 4.20%, now 4.00%
    Bank Purely was 4.12%, now 3.90%
    IGO was 4.12%, now 3.90%
    E*Trade was 4.10%, now 4.00%

  • 500 Club

    Primis Savings starting on January 10, 2025, your account(s) will earn a variable interest rate of 4.31% with an annual percentage yield (APY*) of 4.40%. Down from 4.70% APY.

    Primis Savings starting on January 10, 2025, your account(s) will earn a variable interest rate of 4.31% with an annual percentage yield (APY*) of 4.40%. Down from 4.70% APY.

  • MyBankingDirect was 4.55%, now 4.45%
    Zynlo was 4.50%, now 4.40%
    Primis Savings was 4.70%, now 4.35%
    Primis Checking was 4.50%, now 4.20%

    MyBankingDirect was 4.55%, now 4.45%
    Zynlo was 4.50%, now 4.40%
    Primis Savings was 4.70%, now 4.35%
    Primis Checking was 4.50%, now 4.20%

  • Western State Bank was 4.15%, now 4.00%
    Sallia Mae Money Market was 4.10%, now 4.00%
    Sallia Mae Savings was 4.10%, now 4.00%
    Smarty Pig was 4.10%, now 4.00%

    Western State Bank was 4.15%, now 4.00%
    Sallia Mae Money Market was 4.10%, now 4.00%
    Sallia Mae Savings was 4.10%, now 4.00%
    Smarty Pig was 4.10%, now 4.00%

  • Global Moderator

    Vio Bank Cornerstone MM was 4.56% now 4.46%
    CFG Bank MM was 4.52% now 4.37%
    Zynlo Bank Tomorrow Savings was 4.50% now 4.35%
    Northern Bank Direct MM was 4.50% now 4.25%
    Bank5 Connect Jumbo Savings was 4.50% now 4.25%

    Vio Bank Cornerstone MM was 4.56% now 4.46%
    CFG Bank MM was 4.52% now 4.37%
    Zynlo Bank Tomorrow Savings was 4.50% now 4.35%
    Northern Bank Direct MM was 4.50% now 4.25%
    Bank5 Connect Jumbo Savings was 4.50% now 4.25%

  • FYI “from late 2019 to mid-2024, Capital One lowered and then froze the 360 Savings account rate to just 0.30%, even as rates increased nationwide. In contrast, starting in early 2022, Capital One increased the 360 Performance Savings account rate. In fact, the rate went from 0.40% in April 2022 to 3.30% as of January 2023, and 4.35% as of January 2024”

    FYI “from late 2019 to mid-2024, Capital One lowered and then froze the 360 Savings account rate to just 0.30%, even as rates increased nationwide. In contrast, starting in early 2022, Capital One increased the 360 Performance Savings account rate. In fact, the rate went from 0.40% in April 2022 to 3.30% as of January 2023, and 4.35% as of January 2024”

  • Global Moderator

    @goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    FYI “from late 2019 to mid-2024, Capital One lowered and then froze the 360 Savings account rate to just 0.30%, even as rates increased nationwide. In contrast, starting in early 2022, Capital One increased the 360 Performance Savings account rate. In fact, the rate went from 0.40% in April 2022 to 3.30% as of January 2023, and 4.35% as of January 2024”

    Yes, I noticed that. It seemed very strange that their rates were near zero at a time when the interest rates were skyrocketing everywhere else… I have two children savings accounts with capital one and I’ve noticed ever since about a year ago, the rates have went up quite a bit…

    @goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    FYI “from late 2019 to mid-2024, Capital One lowered and then froze the 360 Savings account rate to just 0.30%, even as rates increased nationwide. In contrast, starting in early 2022, Capital One increased the 360 Performance Savings account rate. In fact, the rate went from 0.40% in April 2022 to 3.30% as of January 2023, and 4.35% as of January 2024”

    Yes, I noticed that. It seemed very strange that their rates were near zero at a time when the interest rates were skyrocketing everywhere else… I have two children savings accounts with capital one and I’ve noticed ever since about a year ago, the rates have went up quite a bit…

  • 500 Club

    @goldsheet Are people so stupid that they don’t regularly check available interest rates at their own or other banks? What makes this a lawsuit? Nothing except some money grabbing class action lawyers that will make millions in fees and the average account holder might get $10.

    @goldsheet Are people so stupid that they don’t regularly check available interest rates at their own or other banks? What makes this a lawsuit? Nothing except some money grabbing class action lawyers that will make millions in fees and the average account holder might get $10.

  • @mrvietnam My girlfriend had a 360 account, which she never checked,
    so my rough calculations indicates she may have lost about $5000
    in interest over 4 years based on rates and deposited amount.

    @mrvietnam My girlfriend had a 360 account, which she never checked,
    so my rough calculations indicates she may have lost about $5000
    in interest over 4 years based on rates and deposited amount.

  • @atikovi Lots of folks have got caught in the "new account for a better rate"
    while leaving old one out (UFB, Salem Five, CIT, and a few others do this)
    Capital One made such a minor change in the name it’s more egregious
    than all the others. Not everyone tracks and chases rates like we do.

    @atikovi Lots of folks have got caught in the "new account for a better rate"
    while leaving old one out (UFB, Salem Five, CIT, and a few others do this)
    Capital One made such a minor change in the name it’s more egregious
    than all the others. Not everyone tracks and chases rates like we do.

  • 500 Club

    @goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    Not everyone tracks and chases rates like we do.

    So what about that, does a lawsuit make? If your nearby Exxon station sells gas for $4, but one a mile down the road sells it for $3.50, can you sue the first one for price gouging?

    @goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    Not everyone tracks and chases rates like we do.

    So what about that, does a lawsuit make? If your nearby Exxon station sells gas for $4, but one a mile down the road sells it for $3.50, can you sue the first one for price gouging?

  • @atikovi said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    Are people so stupid that they don’t regularly check available interest rates at their own or other banks?


    I would generally agree with you, but then I got to this part of the article and then I realized it may have merit.

    Capital One marketed its 360 Savings account as a “high interest” account with a variable interest rate that was “one of the nation’s” “top,” “best," and “highest,” and would earn much more interest than the average savings account. It also assured former ING Direct savings accountholders that, with 360 Savings, they would “still have great rates.”

    @atikovi said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    Are people so stupid that they don’t regularly check available interest rates at their own or other banks?


    I would generally agree with you, but then I got to this part of the article and then I realized it may have merit.

    Capital One marketed its 360 Savings account as a “high interest” account with a variable interest rate that was “one of the nation’s” “top,” “best," and “highest,” and would earn much more interest than the average savings account. It also assured former ING Direct savings accountholders that, with 360 Savings, they would “still have great rates.”

  • @atikovi said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    @goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    Not everyone tracks and chases rates like we do.

    So what about that, does a lawsuit make? If your nearby Exxon station sells gas for $4, but one a mile down the road sells it for $3.50, can you sue the first one for price gouging?

    I think it would be more like opening new pumps (360 Performance) at a lower price in
    the back of the same station and not telling the folks in the front (old 360) paying the
    higher price when the gasoline is coming from the same underground tanks (Capital One).

    @atikovi said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    @goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    Not everyone tracks and chases rates like we do.

    So what about that, does a lawsuit make? If your nearby Exxon station sells gas for $4, but one a mile down the road sells it for $3.50, can you sue the first one for price gouging?

    I think it would be more like opening new pumps (360 Performance) at a lower price in
    the back of the same station and not telling the folks in the front (old 360) paying the
    higher price when the gasoline is coming from the same underground tanks (Capital One).

  • TIMBR was 4.80%, now 4.55%

    TIMBR was 4.80%, now 4.55%

  • Global Moderator

    Brilliant Bank Money Market was 4.85% now 4.70%
    Newtek Bank Savings was 4.70% now 4.55%
    Bread Financial Savings was 4.50% now 4.40%
    Western Alliance Bank Savings was 4.40% now 4.35%
    Everbank Performance Savings was 4.40% now 4.30%

    Brilliant Bank Money Market was 4.85% now 4.70%
    Newtek Bank Savings was 4.70% now 4.55%
    Bread Financial Savings was 4.50% now 4.40%
    Western Alliance Bank Savings was 4.40% now 4.35%
    Everbank Performance Savings was 4.40% now 4.30%

  • New 5.00% $25,000 minimum

    New 5.00% $25,000 minimum

  • Global Moderator

    @goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    New 5.00% $25,000 minimum

    Not sure I trust it - I wonder what the conditions are that have to be met?

    Your cash is FDIC-insured when it is deposited and sitting in the Checking or Savings account. Deposits are FDIC-insured up to $250,000 per depositor through pass-through insurance at Coastal Community Bank, Member FDIC, if certain conditions have been met. FDIC insurance only covers the failure of an FDIC-insured bank.

    @goldsheet said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    New 5.00% $25,000 minimum

    Not sure I trust it - I wonder what the conditions are that have to be met?

    Your cash is FDIC-insured when it is deposited and sitting in the Checking or Savings account. Deposits are FDIC-insured up to $250,000 per depositor through pass-through insurance at Coastal Community Bank, Member FDIC, if certain conditions have been met. FDIC insurance only covers the failure of an FDIC-insured bank.

  • @jtownsucks46
    Fintech no different than Raisin FDIC pass through insurance.
    Don’t need to add it to the list just an FYI.
    I have an Evergreen Treasury account which they are
    phasing out for the high yield checking and savings

    Fintech no different than Raisin FDIC pass through insurance.
    Don’t need to add it to the list just an FYI.
    I have an Evergreen Treasury account which they are
    phasing out for the high yield checking and savings

  • Global Moderator

    Brio Direct Savings was 4.75% now 4.55%

    Brio Direct Savings was 4.75% now 4.55%

  • Popular Direct was 4.60%, now 4.50%

    Popular Direct was 4.60%, now 4.50%

  • Global Moderator

    Western Alliance Bank Savings was 4.35% now 4.30%
    Barclays Bank Savings was 4.00% now 3.90%
    FNBO Direct Savings was 3.75% now 3.60%

    Western Alliance Bank Savings was 4.35% now 4.30%
    Barclays Bank Savings was 4.00% now 3.90%
    FNBO Direct Savings was 3.75% now 3.60%

  • Peak Bank Savings was 4.75%, now 4.35%
    CIBC was 4.38%, now 4.28%
    Laurel Road was 4.15%, now 4.00%
    USAlliance was 4.05%, now 3.90%
    SallieMae Savings was 4.00%, now 3.90%
    SallieMae Money Market was 4.00%, now 3.90%
    Smarty Pig was 4.00%, now 3.90%

    Peak Bank Savings was 4.75%, now 4.35%
    CIBC was 4.38%, now 4.28%
    Laurel Road was 4.15%, now 4.00%
    USAlliance was 4.05%, now 3.90%
    SallieMae Savings was 4.00%, now 3.90%
    SallieMae Money Market was 4.00%, now 3.90%
    Smarty Pig was 4.00%, now 3.90%

  • State Bank of Texas was 4.75, now 4.65
    Pibank was 4.75, now 4.60
    Total was 4.67, now 4.51
    Bask was 4.50, now 4.35
    Popular was 4.50, now 4.40

    State Bank of Texas was 4.75, now 4.65
    Pibank was 4.75, now 4.60
    Total was 4.67, now 4.51
    Bask was 4.50, now 4.35
    Popular was 4.50, now 4.40

  • Colorado Federal High Yield Savings was 4.40% now 4.20%

    Colorado Federal High Yield Savings was 4.40% now 4.20%

  • Quontic was 4.75% now 4.50%
    Newtek was 4.55% now 4.45%
    Popular Direct was 4.40% now 4.30%
    CFG was 4.37% now 4.32%
    Laurel Road was 4.00% now 3.80%

    Quontic was 4.75% now 4.50%
    Newtek was 4.55% now 4.45%
    Popular Direct was 4.40% now 4.30%
    CFG was 4.37% now 4.32%
    Laurel Road was 4.00% now 3.80%

  • 500 Club

    Brilliant Bank MMA was 4.70% now 4.50% APY

    Brilliant Bank MMA was 4.70% now 4.50% APY

  • Global Moderator

    Patriot Bank is allowing new account openings again. Added back on to the list at 4.76%.

    Also added Roger Bank at 5%, Evergreen Wealth Savingsat 5%(25k min across checking and savings), OMB Bank at 4.56%, and Evergreen Wealth Checking at 4%(25k min across checking and savings).

    Patriot Bank is allowing new account openings again. Added back on to the list at 4.76%.

    Also added Roger Bank at 5%, Evergreen Wealth Savingsat 5%(25k min across checking and savings), OMB Bank at 4.56%, and Evergreen Wealth Checking at 4%(25k min across checking and savings).

  • Global Moderator

    ROGER has a bonus of sorts:

    For any customer who sets a Savings Goal and selects Round Up as a way to save, ROGER automatically rounds up debit card purchases to the nearest dollar and transfers that amount from your Checking Account into your Savings Account. For the first 90 days after account opening, ROGER will match 100% of round-ups, up to $100.00 and deposit it into your savings the first business day following 90 days after account opening. Starting on the first business day of the month following the initial 90 days, ROGER will match 15% of round-ups, up to $20.00 per month. The Round Up funds will be deposited in your Savings Account every 30 days following the start of the new 15% Round Up match period. If you turn off Round Up as a way to save, you will no longer receive Round-Up Match funds. The match credit is tax reportable, but should not be reported as interest.

    ROGER has a bonus of sorts:

    For any customer who sets a Savings Goal and selects Round Up as a way to save, ROGER automatically rounds up debit card purchases to the nearest dollar and transfers that amount from your Checking Account into your Savings Account. For the first 90 days after account opening, ROGER will match 100% of round-ups, up to $100.00 and deposit it into your savings the first business day following 90 days after account opening. Starting on the first business day of the month following the initial 90 days, ROGER will match 15% of round-ups, up to $20.00 per month. The Round Up funds will be deposited in your Savings Account every 30 days following the start of the new 15% Round Up match period. If you turn off Round Up as a way to save, you will no longer receive Round-Up Match funds. The match credit is tax reportable, but should not be reported as interest.

  • Any member restriction on ROGER ?

    Answered my own question:
    “ROGER is veteran owned, led and operated,
    and is backed by FDIC-insured Citizens Bank of Edmond.
    Geared towards military, but open to all. Military, family
    members and civilians can join the ROGER mission.”

    Any member restriction on ROGER ?

    Answered my own question:
    “ROGER is veteran owned, led and operated,
    and is backed by FDIC-insured Citizens Bank of Edmond.
    Geared towards military, but open to all. Military, family
    members and civilians can join the ROGER mission.”

  • 500 Club

    @goldsheet They require you to open a checking account along with the savings. Not a big deal as you don’t have to use it.

    @goldsheet They require you to open a checking account along with the savings. Not a big deal as you don’t have to use it.

  • @atikovi said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    @goldsheet They require you to open a checking account along with the savings. Not a big deal as you don’t have to use it.

    They denied my application, probably due to CHEX inquiry for checking.
    Might have been approved for just savings if checking was not required.

    @atikovi said in Best Nationally Available High APY Liquid Accounts:

    @goldsheet They require you to open a checking account along with the savings. Not a big deal as you don’t have to use it.

    They denied my application, probably due to CHEX inquiry for checking.
    Might have been approved for just savings if checking was not required.

  • 500 Club

    @goldsheet I filled out the online forms and thought I indicated saving account, but when I went to log in, it only shows my checking account. Called customer service today and was able to add the savings account.

    @goldsheet I filled out the online forms and thought I indicated saving account, but when I went to log in, it only shows my checking account. Called customer service today and was able to add the savings account.

  • 500 Club

    Roger has very low ACH limits for transfers originating through Roger. I could only move $500 from my external account into my Roger account. When I called, they said they could make a exception but would take a few days for approval. The only good thing was that the $500 transfer was done next day. Not sure if a higher amount would be the same.

    Roger has very low ACH limits for transfers originating through Roger. I could only move $500 from my external account into my Roger account. When I called, they said they could make a exception but would take a few days for approval. The only good thing was that the $500 transfer was done next day. Not sure if a higher amount would be the same.


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