Any possibility they might again offer rewards for shredding, like they did before? I’m purging old household records, enough of a big pile that I’ll take them to Staples to shred. Thanks for the heads-up on the dates to get the $10 electronics recycling reward.
Posts made by Dionaea
RE: Staples $10 Tech Recycling In Store Only 4/16 - 6/17
RE: Office Depot to 4/1 Free a/Rewards Duracell AA/AAA 16 or 24 ct Batts (limit 2 total), Case water 24 ct $2.99 with store pick up option
Thanks! We had a lot of AA and some AAA on hand but then we used a lot during power outages over the last few months, and I’m low on AAA. I was hoping ODwould have the FAR offer again.
RE: Swagbucks Tips, Offers & Discussion Thread
Managed to find it, had 1 spin, got 25 points that will be added to my reward points when I complete a survey. Big woopie deal…not.
Thanks for helping me find it, though.
RE: Swagbucks Tips, Offers & Discussion Thread
Where do you find the Spin and Win Board???
RE: Cuisinart 14-Cup Food Processor $99 (or less) plus shipping @ MorningSave
Great food processor. I’ve owned that one for probably 3 years and use it a lot. Never heard of the listing site, but I’ve been a member of America’s Test Kitchen for probably 8 or 9 years, and it’s well worth the subscription cost. It’s my “go-to” site for great tested-and-approved recipes too.
RE: FREE Pack of BIC EasyRinse Razors from Walmart after Ibotta Cash Back - exp
My Ibotta says 1 day left. Nearest Walmart is about 15 miles away, and I hadn’t planned to grocery shop until Monday, but this is awfully tempting. Thanks, ctgolfer.
RE: Under armor sandals $7 YMMV
Just ordered a pair in black, size 9, for my husband. Thanks!
RE: Fetch app: 1/19-1/20/23 only - 100% back on Klondike cones - limit 2 (YMMV on getting the offer)
Wow, if they gave just 90 points and were deducting for coupons used on other purchases, that stinks. I’ve gotten in the habit of buying larger points-earning items on separate receipts where that’s the only thing on the receipt.
RE: Fetch app: 1/19-1/20/23 only - 100% back on Klondike cones - limit 2 (YMMV on getting the offer)
$5.99 each at my Kroger. Those look yummy, and $5.99 for a pack of 8 is a pretty good price. I just may have to go for this deal.
RE: Walgreens B&M 8.9 oz boxes of original CHEERIOS 99c each after digital and IB rebates wyb 2 ends 1/14
By the way, Cheerios make great cheap treats for training or as a reward for small dogs, just a few at a time. Ours will even go out and do their business in the rain when they know they’ll get a Cheerios reward when they come back in.
RE: (Expired) Free La Roche-Posay Sunscreen SPF 60! I think its worth $22!
Thanks, OP. That’s a good brand, and even if it’s just a small sample, it will be handy for the times I forget to bring sunscreen with me.
RE: OFFICE DEPOT 1/8-14 Deals: 100% back in Rewards on DURACELL 16/24 count AA/AAA Batteries, Case of 24 bottles OD Brand Bottled Water $2.99 w/store pick up
Unfortunately all of those codes come up as “invalid coupon code”. Thanks for trying anyway. We already have several of the totes, and they’re excellent. We’ve uses them outdoors for all kinds of garden supplies, and everything stays dry inside all year around. Even with several days of below zero weather last month and very hot summer weather, the totes are fine, sturdy and flexible and not at all brittle like so many plastic totes get.
RE: OFFICE DEPOT 1/8-14 Deals: 100% back in Rewards on DURACELL 16/24 count AA/AAA Batteries, Case of 24 bottles OD Brand Bottled Water $2.99 w/store pick up
Searching for a discount code that will work on the batteries and/or will work on these storage totes:
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
@mistercheap said in Fetch Rewards point devaluation.:
As least with Ibotta it is straight cash value and the any item or any receipt offers, worth 10-25c typically are much more valuable than 5 points on a bonus spin on FETCH. Plus I can cash out for money when I’ve hit $20, not for overpriced gift cards.
mistercheap, I haven’t seen aywhere to enter any item or any receipt, but I’m just a week or so into learning to use Ibotta. Where do I go on the app to submit receipts that don’t have any qualifying purchases? Baby steps, please. -
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
And I received 5 points for the Daily Spin this morning too. Don’t know if they decide on everyone getting a specific number of points no matter what time you spin, or if it will vary throughout the day, or if it’s truly random. Maybe everyone who spins on Monday gets 5 points, on Tuesday gets 25 points, on Wednesday gets 10 points, etc. I’ll keep track of what I get each day from the Spin so we can compare notes. I am now dividing purchases so the cashier rings up 2 or 3 groups of items and I get 2 or 3 reciepts instead of just one. Trying to have a receipt to scan in every day possible so I can do a Daily Spin.
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
Well, I got Ibotta set up and am working on figuring it out. Scanned and submitted a receipt for a couple items I purchased a few days ago that were on their points-for-purchase list, and it worked! I don’t want to link any of my store accounts to ibotta, so I’ll just keep doing the scan and submit thing even though it’s not nearly as user friendly as Fetch. While Fetch gives you 25 points for each receipt, even if you haven’t purchased anything on their points-for-purchase offers, Ibotta does not do that, right? Ibotta only gives points if you purchase something in the points-for-purchase offers? Still have to figure out how to put the Ibotta icon on my android smartphone so I can put it next to the Fetch icon. I saw CVS and a couple other drugstores, but what about grocery stores like Kroger and Publix and Walmart?
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
Just discovered this morning that it’s a 24-hour timer from the last time you spun. That of course is BS, and I will be sending another complaint email.
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
Got it, thanks. I’m going to join Ibotta too since Fetch has made this change. Just have to find someone who already uses it so they can get the referral bonus.
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
How are you doing that? I go to the spin and win, click on it, then have to scan a receipt, it rejects a receipt I’ve already submitted, and when I go out of it, the app does not take me to the spin and win so I can spin. What am I doing wrong?
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
I was saving toward Amazon cards. Didn’t notice they have Kroger cards too, and if they’re a better value pointwise, I might get those instead. Generally I get Amazon or Lowe’s cards from SB or MyPoints and Walmart cards from Microsoft Rewards. Those are the ones that are most useful for us.
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
@sonofzeus said in Fetch Rewards point devaluation.:
@mistercheap We can leverage the Kroger GC with booze rebates.
Explain, please, for those of us who don’t drink.
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
@ctujackbauer said in Fetch Rewards point devaluation.:
They introduced a daily spin that might make it easier to earn points faster. I think it resets every 24 hours and I’m going to test if I can use a receipt dated the day before to qualify for tomorrow’s daily spin.
I think its a way to reward frequent uploaders and give more than 2.5 cents per receipt. I won 250 points on my first spin.
Found it. I scanned a receipt I already scanned in today and was still able to do a spin. Only 50 points win, but better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Hopefully I can just scan in any receipt, even one I’ve already scanned in, and be able to spin since I don’t go shopping every day to be able to have a new unsubmitted receipt every day. -
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
Agreed. I could have gotten a $10 and a $5 Amazon certificate with the over 18K points I have saved up. No warning is not the way to treat users.
RE: Fetch Rewards point devaluation AGAIN 11/2023.
Bummer! I got a $25 Amazon card last month and have been saving for another one.
RE: Office Depot 12/18-12/24: 100% Back in Bonus Rewards Duracell® Coppertop AA/AAA 16-pk & 24-pk batteries
We have a lot of flashlights and camping lanterns that do take AA sizes. Wish they would do an offer now and then with C and D batteries, though.
RE: Office Depot 12/18-12/24: 100% Back in Bonus Rewards Duracell® Coppertop AA/AAA 16-pk & 24-pk batteries
Any discount codes available that can be used on these?
RE: Office Depot 12/18-12/24: 100% Back in Bonus Rewards Duracell® Coppertop AA/AAA 16-pk & 24-pk batteries
Just in time for the massive storms headed our way, but your header says Coppertop and the fine print says Optimum, Also the header says 12/18-12/24, whie the fine print says 12/11/22 to 12/17/22
RE: EXPIRED-Free Drm-free Pc Game "Ghost of a Tale" (reg. $25) @ GOG- Claim by 12/15
Thanks! That looks like a game I’d enjoy.
RE: 42 Count A&H Laundry Pods w/oxi clean $5.99 shipped with sub/save and clipped coupon Amazon
Thanks, OP! Our small organization is assembling Christmas Baskets for 6 families, and every family has laundry products on their wish lists. There is a limit of 4 of these. They sell for $9.48 at Walmart, so a nice little savings, AND you can also choose the shipping option that gives you $4 digital credit. Nice find.
RE: Online Savings Codes. See last posts for most current codes.
Unfortunately the store is 15 miles away, and I have nothing else to do in town today and lots to do at home. Much as getting the best possible deal is desirable, this time it’s going to be an online for in-store pickup. Sigh.
RE: Online Savings Codes. See last posts for most current codes.
Ordering paper towels using my Ink Rewards of $85 that expire today. Any discount codes that would work? Thanks.
RE: Office Depot 2023 Desk/Blotter type calendar (Jan-Dec) $3 store pick up at OD
Thanks! I was about to order one from Staples for around $14. The Staples one is colorful, but for this price, black and white is just as useful and looks just as good.
RE: Swagbucks Tips, Offers & Discussion Thread
LOL mashed potatoes and gravy is the search I used and got the 24 SB. Probably just a coincidence, but…
RE: Official Disney Movie Insider Master Thread
Working at 10:20 AM CST. Thanks, OP.
RE: Better than free TWO Baybel Plant Based Cheese Packs (six to a pouch) after 900 swagbucks and $2.50 in C/O51
My husband and I both have SB accounts. We have two laptops, one for him and one for me. Sometimes he does SB on his laptop and sometimes on mine. We have separate hotmail
emails, but use the same landline phone number when they want a verification code. This morning he earned enough points to get another $5 Walmart GC, and they wanted a verification code, which came by phone and he entered. Then there is a problem getting the certificate, and after a bit the points are returned to his account. He did submit a Support Request. -
RE: (Expired) Amazon Prime Business Laptop Case Bag - 15-Inch, Maroon (14 inch or 15 inch laptops, such as Macbook Pro, and Dell) $7 W/$26
No longer available. Darn, that was a nice find, Marvomatic.
RE: (OOS/expired) Spring Summer Hooked Rug $6.97 shipped at (exp unk)
Cute. Cosco membership or pay 5% Surcharge. Indoor use only.
RE: STAPLES Tech Take Back - receive $5 rewards when you recycle or shred in store 1x per month Starts 9/18
Just checked my Staples account, and I have the $40 for recycling 20 cartridges last month and also $5 and $5 for turning in an old laptop charger last month and an old flip phone early this month. Looking forward to using it and November’s rewards to help with the cost of a new router that is 5G capable. Hopefully there will be a deal on at least one for Black Friday from NetGear or a high-quality supplier. I’m looking in the price range of $150 to $200, if possible. The current cost of good routers is mindboggling.
RE: Social Security cost-of-living adjustment will be 8.7% in 2023, highest increase in 40 years
We are hoping it will actually be implemented in January,
edited out political commentary.
RE: Kroger Coupon: Save $15 off Your Next Purchase of $15 or More - exp 12/31
Same here - connection error we’re having trouble accessing coupons right now.
I accessed my Kroger account and the coupons section though, so it’s either the link posted or it’s not available in my area or they’ve already pulled it. -
RE: STAPLES Tech Take Back - receive $5 rewards when you recycle or shred in store 1x per month Starts 9/18
I turned in 20 cartridges today and also turned in a laptop charger that was for an older-than-dirt laptop that was tossed years ago. The $10 off $30 coupon at the bottom of the receipt was for today only, and I had no use for it. Am I correct in assuming those are tied to your account and can’t be passed on for anyone else to use?
RE: Online Savings Codes. See last posts for most current codes.
Thank you, harperr, for the code yesterday. It worked smoothly.
RE: Online Savings Codes. See last posts for most current codes.
I need to order a toner cartridge to be able to continue receiving Rewards for turning in ink/toner cartridges. Now that I need a code or two, I can’t find one. A $15 off $80 coupon would be great, but anything will help if someone has coupon code(s) they won’t be using. Thanks.
RE: STAPLES Tech Take Back - receive $5 rewards when you recycle or shred in store 1x per month Starts 9/18
What??? Is the ability to recycle up to 20 ink cartridges each month for $2 credit per cartridge going away??? I really depend on that $40 in store credit each month.