@phatwallet said in Mrrebates Existing Members: $5 for you (no purchase req, exp unk):
@yoregano I had the same issue in Chrome, and tried firefox where I was able to log in.
I don’t know what’s going on, nothing working for me via multiple methods—computer, phone, data/wifi, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, all give the error. 
I posted a comment on one of their social media pages about the error and other users are replying that they are getting the error, too, so it seems to be a widespread problem.
Update: They fixed the error and I was eventually able to log in. I did not receive the postcard (like I did last year) and did not get the bonus this time (like I did last year). Oh well, perhaps it’s because, despite having an account since 2009, I haven’t actually done a transaction through them since 2019.